Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Education humming

Assalamualaikum wbt,
Hi there

I think it has been a month living in Australia. A lot of things happened and went by. A new environment will always promise a new culture and of course a new experience. 

In my university, I do realize something interest in the people over here.

They are the people of interest, I mean they are really determine what they are doing and they do it because of their interest. They know major technical terms and processes. They are not screen-people who facing the screen device all all the time.

During my schooldays, I just knew only 3 things about education; classes, exam papers, answers. Then I will succeed in the education. However, if I continue this attitude, I won't be at the top of my field. It will be wasting time though. 

For example, I'm doing Chemical engineering right now, supposedly I should know the process related to the subject. Unfortunately, I know only few. Of course, it shouldn't be like that. 

Maybe I need to re-check and re-shape my education philosophy. 

'Allah loves people doing their job at the best'


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