Wednesday, 5 March 2014

New World

Assalamualaikum wbt, 
peace be upon you my reader

I'm not sure how long I have been on the new country, Australia. It is a pleasure for me to be exposed to the new surrounding. New village as well, St Lucia, Brisbane. It nears to Brisbane river. You will never meet a swimming cat till you arrive hear because we have Citycat. Actually it is a ferry that carries people along the Brisbane river. 

Of course in a new place we will be having a new society. A society that love jogging and cycling. No more Nasi Lemak and all those fatty ingredients food. Cereal will certainly becomes my breakfast company. 

Eventually, I would like to share you this. In those happily 'Salam Perantauan' pics, there are actually turbulence and hardships that they are facing all over the time. The oversea students are not in vacation when they are over the sea. The language barriers would be the most essential thing to be handled. Plus, there are a lot of things that have to be done independently like renting house, finding housemates, managing finance, cooking, paying the bills, cooping with the locals and etc. There are a lot of things done here that are not seen in the our country. So, don't expect studying oversea will be a bed of roses. Life is ain't getting easier. Only your prayer to Allah will make them better.

Pray for the best.
Market day during O-week, UQ, 2014

(un)covered sheep, 2014

Carpeted bear, 2014

The loyal, 2014 

Pair, 2014

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