Sunday, 18 August 2013

Wedding <3

A few days ago was my sister's wedding. It was the first wedding in my siblings. So my family and I had a bit nervous to face the day. Eventually, everything went smoothly and alhamdulillah the ceremony ran successfully. 

What I can get from the event is the happy ending of the wedding ceremony is not the guarantee that the couple will happy forever, but it just the starting of the new journey. 

Plus, marriage is not just about love, it is about responsibility. In reality, parents will spend more time for the children and the society. As a result, less time will be spent for the husband or wife. 

For the solution, the scholar said, marriage should be based on something eternal, so the marriage will be last forever. 

Allah is an eternal beginning and ending; marriage for the sake of allah.marriage with no ending, inshallah.

Congratulations to my sister and welcome to my new brother in law. 
Happy couple and may allah bless you

#cute kid
#venue of the wedding

1 comment:

  1. selamat pengantin baru buat kakak awak :D
    akak aten 31/8 ni insyaAllah :D
    macam mana aten nak follow blog awak ?
    btw thanks sudi baca dan komen serta follow aten :D
