Sunday, 6 April 2014

'Home sweet home'

Peace be upon you readers,

I think this post will be a random thought in my life.

A thought that you will think at the end of your imagination, home

I want to begin this post with my experience in the secondary school. During that time, I had lived in boarding school and I only could go back for weekend once a month. I never thought it was a nightmare for me because I believed that everything was a good for me. Plus, I only called my parents if I wished to go back home just for informing them. I was so confused why people had the homesick thingy. I never felt it once. I felt homesick people were childish and could not study in boarding school.

Time went fast.

I got to move different school during form four. I moved to other school that takes about 5.5 hours journey. Seriously, I never thought that I will study in a school that so far from my house. Meeting a lot of new friends with different backgrounds made me to feel that I was not alone. There were people in the same boat with me. 'They are same with you'... However, this time situation got worsen I thought as I only have four holidays per annum. Lucky for me, when I felt that I want to go back home, there were always people inviting me to forget about it and looking forward. 'Life must be continued, it is useless to look behind...' Yeah, I admitted that. New school, new friends, new experiences. It was not my plan, it was Him. Nonetheless, I felt lonely sometime, without specific reasons. I just wanna go home and sleep. That's all.


Here I am, thousands miles from my house. I realize that it's useless for me thinking about home all over the time because home is not mobile. You can't bring it whenever you go. But, I know that I can make one. I can make home. Making home inside your heart. I know it seems nonsense, but it is the last resort that I can think.

First of all, I was thinking what are the components of a home. What makes me calm and safe inside it. Is it the huge lock and alarm that secure the people from thief and robber. Or it is about the people that always protect you and continuously preserve happiness light inside you. Maybe it is because the people that can understand and know your heart without telling them.

From those components, I believe that I can make a new home or something similar to home. Maybe.....


Who say looking forward without taking a glance a while at the back is an easy thing.

It is hard and extremely difficult.

But I said to this body that I belong to nowhere, I don't belong to anyone, I won't so depend on someone and something else. I only belong Him. He has the best planning. My job is put my full belief on Him.

Because He wants me to walk, run and explore.

mothering, 2013

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