Monday, 30 December 2013

Twins of Faith 2013, #thesunnahthebetter

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Peace be upon you 

I think I would like to share a content that I obtained not as a participant in the Twins Of Faith event, but as a volunteer. From the first meeting, Syeikh Daood Butt has advised something very crucial to be remembered as a muslim. 

Every volunteer has a job to do as well as position to be taken care of. Although the volunteer will not has the chance listening to the sheikh's lecture and joining workshops, the volunteer has different ability to get ajr. 

By showing the right direction to the participants, taking care of the children, promoting the event and etc, the volunteers can even make bigger good deed than the speakers. Because the participant that has been helped might be the syeikhulkabir in the future, or the participant may have turned to change his attitude and one day be an islamic prime minister, or he be a CEO of an international company, and all the good deeds done by the participant as he learns it from the event, all these ajr will go back to the volunteer who has helped him during the event. Plus, these ajr will continue if the participant teaches the lessons to his children, friends, grandchildren and etc. Subhanallah.

Although, it is like a simple action, but insyallah it will lead to a huge impact in our life.

Last but not least, what ever we do in our life, even for the small or big action, we have to do it sicerely only for allah. 


Notebook Twins of Faith

One of the shop during the event


Palestine wall

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Cerita tentang cinta

Hello sayang, sayang kat mana? (message)

‘Eh, takkan la hantar sms macam ni kot kat dia? Ni tak cukup beradab lagi nih, kalau tak nanti macam mana nak ambil hati dia’, getus hati Sall.

Hello sayang, sayang sihat? Boleh sayang tahu sayang di mana?

‘yang ni lagi ok kot’

Message sent

Seulas senyuman beserta lesung pipit menghiasi wajah kacak Sall.

‘andai indahnya jika aku dapat bersamanya sepanjang masa’

Tiba – tiba

‘oiiiii broooooo’, satu jeritan dari sisi kanan Sall.

Dosh kelihatan berlari anak kearahnya.

‘haiihhh, potong stim betul la, baru nak layan perasaan sorang – sorang’, Sall cuba 
untuk mengatur langkah dari tempat itu.

‘aihhh, nak pergi mana tu? Jom la sini aku belanja kau. Aku ad benda nak Tanya kt kau nih?’

‘belanja? Hahaha, no problem. Member baik punya hal, aku sanggup dengar bro’

‘cepat la, kau nak order apa? Aku belanja minum je, lagi pun kau baru makan kan?’

‘hmmm, ala, kau buat tak faham pulak air feveret aku’

‘sory la bro, aku lupa la’

‘air tembikai laici. Air ni kau kena ingat, entah – entah kau nak belanja aku lagi ke, senang sikit kau nak beli. Hahahaha’

‘aku pun nak sama dengan kau la, nak cuba cita rasa baru’

Waiter kedai tersebut menulis order dua sahabat tersebut.

‘ha! Apa yang kau nak cerita tadi, gaya macam penting je’

‘huh, mestilah penting kalau tak aku tak cari kau untuk discuss benda nih. Sebenarnya hubungan aku dengan awek aku makin tegang la’

‘ouh, tentang awek kau Dini tu ke, nape dengan dia? Dia mintak clash ke?’

‘tak la, tapi aku yang nak mintak clash sebenarnya’

‘eh, asal plak? Aku rasa Dini tu dah cukup perfect dah untuk kau. Bukan senang tau nak cari orang macam dia. Rupa ada, akademik ada, senang cerita semua benda complete 
la, tak de cacat cela. Cube kau cerita sikit kenapa’

‘hmm. Kelmarin lepas habis kelas Thermodynamics, aku macam terfikir satu benda la. Aku terfikir kenapa aku minat, suka dan jatuh cinta kat Dini tu. Yela kan, kalau dalam dunia ni kan semua benda ada sebab sesuatu benda tu berlaku, macam kt dalam Thermodynamics, suhu boleh berubah dengan ada nya compressor. Pastu orang letak valve untuk turunkan tekanan kat dalam satu system tu’

‘ala kau ni, buat pe kau pening – pening fikir tentang benda macam tu. Kau minat dia mestilah sebab dia cantik pastu sebab dia pandai dan dia kaya. Ala takkan la tu pun aku nak ajar kot’

‘memang la dia cantik, dia pandai, dia kaya, tapi kau tak rasa pelik ke, kalau aku suka dia sebab benda tu, kenapa aku tak minat orang lain atas sebab yang sama? Kalau nak cakap cantik, aku rasa semua perempuan lawa, tapi kalau nak cakap perempuan tu lawa, pandai and kaya, ada je perempuan lain yang lagi kaya, lagi pandai dan lagi lawa daripada Dini tu. Tapi kenapa Dini? Lagi satu, kau tak rasa kau ni narrow - minded ke?’

‘narrow – minded?’

‘yela, cuba kau fikir balik, kalau aku rasa awek aku lawa, kat uni kita ni ada beribu – ribu lagi perempuan lain. Itu tak masuk lagi uni kat tempat lain. Pastu nanti waktu aku dah graduate nanti, pastu kerja. Waktu kerja nanti, entah - entah nanti ada perempuan yang lagi lawa, pandai dan kaya. Kau tak rasa camtu ke? Lagi – lagi nanti kalau kita dapat fly pegi oversea, entah – entah dapat kahwin dengan minah salleh, perghhh. Tak pun kalau awek kita pergi oversea, for sure la mata biru mat salleh tu lagi memikau daripada mata hitam kita yang biasa ni. Tak ke nanti kita sendiri yang jeles tak tentu pasal. Kadang – kadang aku rasa macam aku minat awek aku tu tanpa sebab yang kukuh. Baru aku sedar’

‘haah kan…’

‘then, aku rasa coupling ni satu pembaziran la. Cuba kau bayang kan, kalau setiap hari aku nak kena call awek aku, pastu bila call, bukan kejap je. Mau dekat 2 – 3 jam. Pokai bak ang. Lepas tu, bila dating, takkan la aku nak mintak dia yang belanja aku, jatuh la standard aku nanti, for sure la aku yang belanja dia. Pastu time lunch waktu dating tu, takkan la aku nak makan kat food court kot, kalau food court, baik makan kat rumah je, paling cikai pun nak kena bawak pegi KFC. Cuba kalau aku pergi makan sorang – sorang tapi dengan kos yang sama aku pergi dating dengan awek aku, mau aku jadi sihat macam bob tu. Hahahah’

‘ala, sekarang kan banyak dah pelan calling yang murah, kau amek jela yang tu’

‘kemudian, kau rasa kalau kau nak awek kan, kau nak jenis pengemas ke jenis yang serabai tak teratur?’

‘confirm – confirm la aku nak yang jenis pengemas, so nanti time aku dah kahwin nanti tak de la sepah sangat rumah aku walaupun aku ni jenis yang pengemas sangat’

‘tapi cuba kau fikir balik, kalau dia dah spent masa dia 2 -3 jam calling dengan kau, pastu dengan assignment berlambak lagi, celah masa mana dia kemas barang dia? Pelik tak? Benda yang sama la kalau kau nak cek dia pandai masak ke tak. Kenapa waktu time dating dia tak pernah bawak bekal dengan dia? Kenapa dia nak tarik kau masuk dalam kedai makan? Aku rasa jawapan dia satu je; tak pandai masak. Pendapat aku jela’

‘ye tak ye jugak kan’, angguk Sall

‘dari segi rasional nya la, aku yang final year ni, assignment berlambak, pastu dengan persatuan sana – sini lagi dengan final year project lagi siap dengan presentation lagi, benda – benda dah cukup memeningkan aku. Pastu kalau aku ada awek, mestilah dia nak cerita masalah dia kat aku, kalau masalah dia, masalah simple tak pe, ni tak. Aku rasa macam masalah dia tu dah macam dua kali ganda lagi payah nak diselesaikan dari assignment aku. Pastu bila masalah dia dah setel, nanti start la aku dah penat tak de tenaga nak buat segala benda alah assignment dengan project aku tu. Belum sempat nak on kalkulator aku dah tidur dah. Memenatkan. Lagi senang kalau aku clash je’

‘ala aku tengok budak – budak tu ada je yang score tapi couple. Siap dua – dua naik pentas lagi. Pastu kau tak nak ke rasa dihargai or rasa disayangi oleh insan lain?’

‘naik pentas tu aku tak kisah, diorang lain. Yela, kalau sorang bawak Nissan Fairlady pastu lagi sorang bawak Audi TT, memang aku tak kisah la. Anak orang kaya. Kalau fail kat uni pun, diorang still boleh gadai kete tu buat modal bisnes. Tapi, kalau aku gagal, siapa nak bayar PTPTN aku nanti? Aku rasa ada je cara lain untuk rasa dihargai tapi dengan modal yang lebih rendah. Kau tak rasa ke family kau sayang sangat kat kau. Aku rasa rasa kalau dia tak sayang kau, kau tak de kat sini. Plus, parent kau ada mintak kau belanje diorang tak? Aku rasa kalau kau yang mintak belanja mungkin ada la kebarangkalian di situ. Hahahaha’

‘amboi, perli nampak. Hahaha’, Sall tepuk belakang badan Dosh

‘ala, sekali sekala gurau member. hahaha’

Waiter datang membawa dua air tembikai laici. Kemerahan dan terdapat warna putih laici yang tidak beberapa jelas pada cawan.

‘terima kasih’, ucap Dosh dan Sall pada waiter tersebut.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt,
First question, why writing seems very hard to mix with engineers?
Or engineers have their own language?
They don’t write words, they calculate numbers.

In this post, I just want to share with you a story from an event that I attended. The event was organized by iMuslim. It seems has relation with apple (iPad, iPhone and etc) but this one is totally a stranger to this company, maybe a little bit relation, consumers  perhaps.

The story was an experience from the instructor, Ustaz Sukki Othman ( during his study time in Syria. He said that during his study time, the Syrian folks were very friendly to the students especially for those pursuing in Islamic studies. There was one time when he was studying AlQuran with his sheikh, a man came to the sheikh. The man asked the sheikh about him, and the sheikh told the man that he is sheikh’s student. Then then man asked what course he was studying, the sheikh answered, Islamic studies. Eventually, without any due, the man took his money from his shirt pocket and gave to the sheikh to be distributed among sheikh’s student.

Wow, this is really awesome. The Syrian folks are extremely respectful to the Islamic studies students despite they are in financial tight.

These people are really practicing islam but then they face problems and challenges in their own country.

Last but not least, Allah has said in Al quran that there are only small amount of people who appreciate what Allah has given to us. Perhaps we are in this small group. Ameeennn


Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Sea of love or swarm of hatred?


It has been a week I didn’t write anything in this I blog. I’m facing very hectic life right now with full of assignments and academic revisions to do. Yeah, I know it shouldn’t be an excuse for me to run away from doing anything. *sigh.

Okay, so today I would like share something bearing in my mind for a week. Recently, I got very hard times where I have to think many things at the same time causing my mind messed up.On that time, I felt everybody ignored me and I was not that important to them. I felt lonely where I felt I belong to nowhere and no one. Frankly speaking, it was like a ‘game over’ for me.

Eventually, I thought it would be an end route for me, but actually I actually en route on a beautiful path. In the academic sector, they will define every term they used in their writing. So, the definition of beautiful here is something valuable and nice to sit in it. It is like something good happens after problems and challenges lay on your road. For example, I could say that everyone in this world would say that rainbow is beautiful. However, have we ever thought where did actually rainbow come from. It comes from rain or in scientific theory; it comes from the refraction of light in the water molecules. Surely, I will not touch about the scientific as it is learnt during our school times.

Let us see, the rainbow comes AFTER the rain or it comes WITH the rain. Scientifically, we could say it comes with the rain. We could not see it because the permitted sun light is not enough to make it perfectly clear in our vision.

On the Weekend of the hard week, I attended a talk at PWTC as well as Taylor Lake Side Campus.

First event was a talk from Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan entitled The Final Miracle. My first impression, the talk would be very academic and boring that might encourage me to sleep because I had to have a long journey to be there and it was an extremely tiring journey.

But the second impression came passing by and replaced the first one.

Let me explain the feeling with a light example. Have we ever felt hungry, I mean extremely hungry? When we feel hungry, we would eat food without concerning about the food taste, isn’t it? Every single food tastes delicious although we haven’t eaten it before.

Same thing went to me on that time, the talk satisfied my thirst of knowledge emotionally and intellectually. NoumanAli Khan gave talk about the miracle of quran. He did give several points in the talk, but I want to share one of it for this time. The rest maybe you could search the video in theyoutube.

In the quranAllah says that prophet Mosses called his people with ‘O my people…’ while prophet Jesus called his people with ‘O peole of Israel….’ while both of them are sent to the same people, people of Israel. In their perspective, only folk from people from the people of Israel can call his people with‘O peole of Israel….’  Theoretically, in the people of Israel view, the linage of a son or daughter will follow their father’s. For example, if an Arabic guy married with a Turkish girl, the son of that couple will be Arabic; same goes to the daughter of the couple. If we study and observe the linage of prophet Mosses, his father had the linage with the people of Israel. However, in Prophet Jesus case, in Islamic view, he had a mother but he did not have any father which means he did not belong to the people of Israel. This thing is proven in the ayatin the quran. Allah preserves and respects the people of Israel linage and there is no mistake Allah does in the ayat Quran.

Then, people asked me, what is the relation between the Quran ayat with me? It seems not relation at all.

Let me get this straight with one more example. There is company with hundreds employees with a boss. In my view, the hundreds employees will know the name of the boss as well as his origin because people tend to chat and talk about it between them. How about the boss? Does he know and admire every single employees of his own? If he does know, he must be an absolutely amazing boss but this thing rarely to happen. He maybe knows several names of the nearest employees that have contacted with him for business matters, but not all of his employees.

In Islamic view, all the universes are Allah’s ‘employees’ including the humans, animals, plants, mountains, stars, sun and etc. He must be very busy with all the affairs. The human problems, animals’, oxygen, hydrogen, heat transfer, all of these matters are His and yet He still has time to respect the small matter of the linage of the people of Israel? This is amazing!

So, the relation here is that all the challenges and hardships I faced were Allah’s. He wants me to face it, it is not an accident, and it is well-planned, a well-planned planning from Him.

Surely, I do believe He knows every single of us biologically and emotionally.

So people, whenever you feel you are in the swamp of hatred, my advice is just stop a moment and look around you. The hatred actually is not a reality; it is just a filter of your spectacular of vision. It is your choice and your power to choose the filter of your vision.

ya Allah please don’t make me go astray from your straight path’

Monday, 2 September 2013

Kisah Pak Tam si Nelayan kool

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Kisah ini tiada kaitan hidup yang hidup atau yg mati.

Pada suatu ketika ada seorang nelayan yang bernama Pak Tam. Pak Tam ini adalah seorang nelayan biasa yang tiada super power atau keistimewaan yang membolehkannya terbang seperti lelaki hebat mahu pun lompat dari bangunan ke bangunan yang lain seperti lelaki labah - labah. Maka, kehidupannya adalah seperti nelayan biasa yang kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang. 

Pada sebelah pagi, dia akan turun ke laut untuk menangkap ikan dan akan kembali ke darat pada sebelah tengah hari dengan hasil tangkapannya. Selepas itu dia akan akan makan tengah hari dan berehat hingga ke sebelah petang. Pada sebelah malam, agak - agak selepas waktu solat isya, dia boleh bersiap untuk tidur. Pada keesokan harinya, dia akan mengunali rutin yang sama sebagai seorang nelayan yang biasa. Kehidupan itu dirasakan senang dan tenang pada fikiran Pak Tam.

Pada suatu hari, seorang nelayan lain yang bernama Pak Mat datang kepada Pak Tam. Pak Mat mengajak Pak Tam untuk menangkap ikan dengan lebih banyak. Hal itu menghairankan Pak Tam, lalu Pak Tam bertanyakan rahsia disebalik kemahuan memperoleh ikan yang banyak itu. Pak Mat mengatakan bahawa dengan ikan yang banyak, Pak Tam boleh membeli bot yang lebih besar dan dari bot yang besar itu, Pak Tam boleh memperoleh ikan yang berkali ganda banyak daripada sebelum itu. Namun, Pak Tam tetap hairan dan bertanyakan tujuan ikan yang berkali ganda banyaknya itu. Pak Mat menerangkan bahawa dengan ikan yang banyak itu, hidup Pak Tam akan lebih senang dan tenang.

Pak Tam berasa pelik dan berkata perlukah dia mengorbankan kesenangan dan ketenangan yang pasti yang dia peroleh sekarang untuk memperoleh sesuatu yang tidak pasti dan mempunyai nama yang sama iaitu kesenangan dan ketenangan tapi dengan harga yang lebih mahal dan perlu mengerah lebih tenaga?

#we think we are happier than them with wealth, but we still find the meaning of the same word; happiness, let us define back the meaning of the true happiness
Ain't it?

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Stars,o, stars

Actually, this post is in conjunction with my experience to snap the picture of stars. While, I was busy trying to get the best picture, something comes in my mind. 

'The theory of capturing starts picture begins with finding the dark place....'

The statement made me think the significance of the dark place. I felt all places were same when it was night. But the statement continued with this,

'....the light from the lamp from the building will distort and disturb the vision of the camera to capture the light from the stars....'

The statement made sense. 

Actually, this scenario related to our life. What I can say here, the lamps from the building are just like the fake lamps that will prevent our sight from seeing the beautiful lamps in the sky, although we see them are not bright as the fake lamps. In reality, they are far more brighter than the lamps on the earth, it just because they are far away from the earth, so we see them as minute details in the sky. 

This life has too many fake lamps that will distort us from our path. In order to find the beautiful lamps in the sky, we have to be patience as the sky will not always bright and sometimes it will be cloudy. So, keep calm and patient until the time comes. 

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Wedding <3

A few days ago was my sister's wedding. It was the first wedding in my siblings. So my family and I had a bit nervous to face the day. Eventually, everything went smoothly and alhamdulillah the ceremony ran successfully. 

What I can get from the event is the happy ending of the wedding ceremony is not the guarantee that the couple will happy forever, but it just the starting of the new journey. 

Plus, marriage is not just about love, it is about responsibility. In reality, parents will spend more time for the children and the society. As a result, less time will be spent for the husband or wife. 

For the solution, the scholar said, marriage should be based on something eternal, so the marriage will be last forever. 

Allah is an eternal beginning and ending; marriage for the sake of allah.marriage with no ending, inshallah.

Congratulations to my sister and welcome to my new brother in law. 
Happy couple and may allah bless you

#cute kid
#venue of the wedding

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Sharp, balance, green

The sharpness of the edge means accurate
"Balance is beautiful" Miyoko Ohno
The young green without experience 

Young + beautiful + accurate : knowledgable teenager

*snapped at putrajaya using D7000

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Faces of Eid Mubarak

Assalamualaikum wbt
welcome to amineology! this is the first post and it is meaningful to me and every muslims on the earth
Faces of eid; Faces full with joy