Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt,
First question, why writing seems very hard to mix with engineers?
Or engineers have their own language?
They don’t write words, they calculate numbers.

In this post, I just want to share with you a story from an event that I attended. The event was organized by iMuslim. It seems has relation with apple (iPad, iPhone and etc) but this one is totally a stranger to this company, maybe a little bit relation, consumers  perhaps.

The story was an experience from the instructor, Ustaz Sukki Othman ( www.ustazshauqi.com) during his study time in Syria. He said that during his study time, the Syrian folks were very friendly to the students especially for those pursuing in Islamic studies. There was one time when he was studying AlQuran with his sheikh, a man came to the sheikh. The man asked the sheikh about him, and the sheikh told the man that he is sheikh’s student. Then then man asked what course he was studying, the sheikh answered, Islamic studies. Eventually, without any due, the man took his money from his shirt pocket and gave to the sheikh to be distributed among sheikh’s student.

Wow, this is really awesome. The Syrian folks are extremely respectful to the Islamic studies students despite they are in financial tight.

These people are really practicing islam but then they face problems and challenges in their own country.

Last but not least, Allah has said in Al quran that there are only small amount of people who appreciate what Allah has given to us. Perhaps we are in this small group. Ameeennn


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