Thursday, 4 December 2014

One in a decade


*vacuuming sound

*mopping sound (is there sound for mopping?)

*sweeping sound


It seems better right now without any dust in my blog. Hahaha

I know it has been a while I do not post in this blog because of several unavoidable reasons and business that not to be done as soon as possible.

I just finished my second year chemical engineering in university of queensland and actually I’m quite happy with my result. It is better than the previous but not what I wanted it to be. 


So in this post, I want to share one thing that rarely happens but it happened last week. It did happen when I was on my way to Brisbane from Adelaide. On the morning, I received a message from the flight service saying that my flight might be delayed because of bad weather. Generally, the bad weather term is defined as normal rain or the worst, lightning storm. Me and all the others never really knew what might happen on that day until when I arrived at the Adelaide airport.

Beep beep beep

“Your flight have been delayed for 1 hour because of hailstorm in Brisbane”

My first impression was like, what is hailstorm? Because I never had faced hailstorm before.

It added with my friend’s whatsapp message saying that he could be able to fetch me from airport because of the hailstorm.

Then one thought came into my mind. I need really to know what is happening in Brisbane causing the flight delay and obstacle for my friend.

Briskly, I opened up the news in the hand phone and I found that there was a severe hailstorm in Brisbane. The ice was like a golf ball. It was really hard and big. It dented car and broke windows. It wasn’t only the hail, but the storm with had destroyed many things. Trees on the road, collapsed garage, upside down aeroplane and etc. I just, WOW. What just happened!

The situation was followed with black out for almost two days. Therefore, people living near to university will camp at the university playing game together.

On the next day, my first feeling was like I want to go university charging my hand phone (because of no electricity in the house) and getting around with friends in university. When I went out from house, I realized the bad condition of my garden area. Yeah, who cares, I can settle it down in the evening. On my way to university, I spotted my neighbours who really try to clean up all the leaves on the floor, gather all the falling tree branches and chatting with each other like a community. This condition made me feel ashamed of myself. I turned around immediately and went back to my house to clean the leaves and branches.

First thing comes into my mind is how can possibly ice is formed during summer. Its okay if it is during winter because of the cold weather, but for summer, it almost impossible.

Lesson learned,

Impossible is nothing

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