Monday, 8 December 2014

Give, step and never stop

Travelling is one of my passions in my life.

Several weeks ago I went to the main city in South Australia, Adelaide. It is one of the major cities in Australia. I’m not sure about the population but what I believe is that the place one of the best cities for study if you consider about the calmness and cost living.

Victor Harbour, 2014
Victor harbour. Goolwa. Mangkuk Hayun. George Wildlife Park. Toy factory. Strawberry picking. Glenelg

These are among place that I did visit during my journey and I really suggest you to go there if you have ample time. Victor Harbour and Granite Island is connected. My friends and I spent almost 2 hours there enjoying the scenery. The island is almost like Philip Island in Melbourne but it is smaller and nearer to the city. There was also a so-called train being pulled a beautiful horse.

Goolwa is a beach where we collected cockles by bare hands. I wasn’t difficult at all. You just have to bring friends and find the right place to spot a bunch of them. I could consider the beach wasn’t the best but still we pretty enjoyed wetting ourselves.

One word that almost my friends told me in Adelaide once I met them was; did you eat? Yeah I realized that majority people studying in UQ are getting slimmer. I wasn’t shocked seriously, because it was so difficult to find the halal restaurant around Brisbane. There are several but the number is not much in other major cities. One of the halal restaurant is Swinging Bowl aka Mangkuk Hayun in Bahasa. Hahaha. In Malaysia, Mangkuk Hayun is the title for the good-for-nothing people. It is so funny. Alright, done with the name, let’s talk about the food. First thing first, never compare the currency when you are living overseas. It is not good idea to compare everything or you will be die starving. The restaurant served rice with other protein food like meat, fish and cuttlefish that have been cook in different recipes. I did eat rice with ‘gulai kari kambing’. It was so delicious. it is non-regrettable offer.

One famous place in Adelaide is Glenelg. If you have friends studying in University of South Australia, University of Adelaide or Flinder University, you might be boring with sunset pictures once they have been there. That sunset is in Glenelg. I was unfortunate because when I was there it was a bit cloudy and we did not have the opportunity to see the full sunset. Anyway, that was beautiful enough for me.

Shedy's Market, 2014

All in all, the best thing that I will remember and tell other people about Adelaide was the people. All of things I told you above won’t be there without help from people. They rented cars for the guests, invited for eating ceremony, prepared the food along the road and did not ask for a cent for it. That was so adorable. I will remember that.

From that day, I learned that people who will make a place beautiful and interesting. People won’t remember your know for sure, but people will remember what you have done for them. They will remember and spread the news as it is not the place what motivates people, it is the people.

Besides that, actually travelling teaches me that I’m nothing without others. What we expect when we are not in our comfort zone? Everything is uncertain and we never know what will happen tomorrow, but we know it won’t be comfort.

Give, step and never stop.

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