Sunday, 5 January 2014

Southern Gathering

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh
Peace be upon you o readers

Before I start posting the new post, there's something that I would like to share. In my religion, Islam, we are taught to convey islam as our wish for our brothers and sisters. As a what? As a wish that spreads peace and calmness on the earth so that the world will have the same peace and calmness.

Maybe this post will not relate to all people outside there, but I will try my best to relate what happened in the gathering with our life although the gathering is only for the pre-australia students. In Quran itself, the stories were specific but the lessons are general, thus the future generation can obtain the lessons although Quran was revealed thousand years ago.

The gathering purposely was to gather all the pre-australia students in a place. The participants were shared infos and stories by the seniors from australia especially about financial management, house rental, 'compulsory' places to go, internship, winter, summer and kangaroos, eh!

Basically, what I could say here, the gathering was very helpful. But frankly speaking, it was getting boring when the questions from participants had the same patterns. 

Ok, done with the event. Lets talk about the people, I mean the organizer, seniors and org yang lebih tua.

I guess I can summarize all the long points inside my head into one word, friendly

Yup, when I say friendly, they are truly friendly. Indeed, they love to see the later generations could make up to have a seat in Australia university. I don't know the reason, but maybe because when we are not in our beloved country, we tend to feel happy to see people of our own race and religion. 

Anyway, the gathering was amazing! Thank you so much guys!

See you in Australia

*insyallah I will update this post with photos afterwards. Stay tune coz insyallah I will start to write my journey around Malaysia in short while from now. 

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